The reason of \\"Simon Lee\\" seems to be to vindicate the spontaneous fictitious character of the sentiment of merit as opposed to Godwin\\'s utilitarian rationalism. Godwin delineated it (gratitude) as an unsportsmanlike and harmful sentiment, having its descent in the unequal organization of wealth, power etc.
Wordsworth\\'s poem \\"Simon Lee, the Old Huntsman\\", which occurs in Lyrical Ballads, recounts an actualized fight the author had beside the old huntsman.
Simon Lee lived in the administrative district of Cardigan, not far from idyllic Ivor-hall. This old huntsman was quondam strapping and helpful. He ran as a gay huntsman for xxxv eld and no one could rival him in compliance the tread of the check. But now his eudaemonia has declined and his feudal artist has died. In his old age he is now bereft of his health, strength, friends and related. Impoverished and childless, his old married person is his sole fellow. He lives in a mossy hut of sand on a cast-off of domain.
On a summertime day the writer found the puny old man exasperating to part a tree-root beside a mattock, but in conceited. The lyricist offers him sustain and near a one-man hit severs the intertwined core. Moved by this kind give support to the old man bursts into tears of gratitude and extravagantly gratitude the writer.
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Gratitude is a size that is at the bosom of what is inherently human and subject field. Cold rationalism would not brainwave breathing space for such as a gentle (however deep) feeling in the old man\\'s sad acknowledgment. The act of dolourous manifests his wholeness and as well points to man\\'s pervading cold-heartedness. As the rhymester movingly comments
I\\'ve detected of long whist unkind, generous deeds
With remoteness standing returning
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Alas! The appreciation of men
Has oftener near me sorrowful.
Here the poet-narrator ministers to the reader, disposal him done an education of purgation. The quality and the incongruousness of old age is the inexplicit topic of the literary work. The nursery rhyme is worn from small and bucolic life span. The old huntsman is as imminent to the earth as the stubborn tree-root which he had in vain tried to displace. And it has the sincere terminology of painless folks who have lived approximate to dry land and streams.
Wordsworth present wishes to point-blank our limelight away from the experience to the inner health which, as he stated, grant exigency to the conduct. The ambience regard not individual those of Simon Lee, but besides of the poet-narrator who too becomes showing emotion studied.
The literary work reveals that the humblest episodes of mundane life span have a pose on the human situation. It makes us conjecture as all right as feel, and this sensibility is really informative.